Cardiology Services
Cardiac CT Angiography

Dr. Azer and Dr. Santora are both board certified in Cardiac CT Angiography (CTA). CTA is an excellent alternative to invasive coronary angiography in the properly selected patient that meet these criteria:
1. chest pain of unexplained origin, but suspicion to be cardiac
2. abnormal stress testing that suggests a blocked coronary artery
3. to assess coronary bypass grafts to see if they are still patent (open)
4. suspected congenital abnormalities of the coronary arteries
5. to assess the coronary arteries to see if they may be the cause of a weakened heart (cardiomyopathy)
6. to assess the cardiac anatomy in preparation for radio frequency ablation for atrial fibrillation
The test is usually performed on a 64 slice (or higher) CT scanner. Iodine based contrast is injected into the arm vein while the patient holds their breath for approximately 15 seconds. The entire test takes about 30 mins. To see if this test is appropriate for you, schedule a consult with Dr. Azer or Dr. Santora.